Sunday, September 30, 2012

Kraft Family

Meet the Kraft family! Aren't these little boys just the cutest things ever!!! I am kind of partial to redheads, but man are they cute. I just kept smiling while editing these pictures. We headed to Laumeier and I just love shooting there. There is just so much to choose from! These boys definitely made me work for it, but that was fine by me. Thanks Kraft family! Hope you enjoy your sneak peek....

Elliot-1 yr

Meet Elliot and his mom and dad. His mom was gifted this session by another client of mine. I think that is awesome and love doing this for people! We did this shoot at Suson Park and were threatened by the weather, but it again ended up being a great day for a shoot. Elliot took a little bit to warm up to me, but once he did he was a ham. Isn't he just so cute?!And doesn't his mom have the best smile! Leslie I had a great time with your family! Hope to do more with you all! Here is you sneak....

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Caroline-1 year

I totally needed this session today and yes, I shot the session and edited and blogged all in the same day. I don't do that very often, but I totally loved doing this shoot for this awesome co-worker and her beautiful daughter, who just happens to share the same birthday as my sweet Stella! You would have never known that it was a gloomy and rainy day. Miss Caroline rocked out this session and I could have just kept shooting. This blog post is more than usual because I just couldn't decide. I hope you like them!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Katie-3.5 months

OMG! I could not get over how beautiful this sweet little girl is. Her mom and dad probably think I am crazy because I kept saying it. She is just so adorable and she was so happy and hamming it up for the camera. I went to grad school with her mom and was so excited for her when she found out she was pregnant. Thanks for letting me capture your sweet little girl and new family!!!

Allison-9 months

Hi Allison! I managed to capture some smiles for this sweet little girl. Allison is oh so serious when I do sessions with her and this was no different, but you would never know by these pictures! I caught her!!! I love it. I love to see how much she has changed in the last nine months! Can't believe her first birthday is coming so soon!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Liam-6 months

Today was a day when I really loved being a photographer! I just cannot get enough of Liam today. He was in such a great mood when I showed up and I could just squeeze his little cheeks all night long. I am sure that people think I am crazy, but I so love getting to watch these little ones grow the way they do and change so much! Liam was all about the pictures today. Thanks for chooing me Kunderman family, I am lucky I get to capture your little man in his first year!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sullivan Family

Meet the Sullivans! I photographed this family when I was first starting my business and she is a huge reason I am successful at what I do. My dear friend Cyndi is a friend I hope everyone has. She is caring and kind and just one of the best people I know! I cannot say enough nice things about her because she is that awesome of a person. We had a great time at Bee Tree Park and once the boys got warmed up they were perfect models! Here is your sneak my friend!

Carter-4 months

Here is handsome Carter. He is 4 months old now and just getting cuter by the month! I just cannot get enough of his baby blue eyes. He was such a happy boy for this shoot. I really love it when babies can lay and look at me on their bellies! There is just so much more we can do! He did excellent with his tummy time. We even got some pictures with his stuffed dog. I love that his mom and dad bring props to every shoot. It makes it so much fun to incorporate them! Here is your peek!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ellie and Natalie-9 months

You met these sweet twins 3 months ago and boy how they have changed! Like I said before I love the chance to photograph twins, it is a secret passion of mine ;) Anywho....these two who were not even sitting up three months ago are now crawling everywhere! We had a great afternoon at Bee Tree Park and enjoyed the weather. The girls did great! They didn't know what to do when we put them on the grass, but we made it work. I just think they are so adorable! Enjoy!