Monday, February 17, 2014

Jillian-2 year

You have seen Jillian before and now she is 2! She has the cutest, spunkiest personality. She was just cracking me up during her shoot. She was in love with my rocking chair and we probably could have done the entire shoot in the rocking chair. She was just chatty and fun and smiling, despite it being her nap time. Happy 2nd year Jillian!

Jack-18 month

Say hello again to Jack. He loved running around the jewel box and playing on the stairs. I am so glad that I brought my rocking chair with me because all of the kiddos loved it. He is just a fun little boy and I have loved watching him grow too! See you soon Jack!

Carter-21 months

Carter is just a happy little boy. It has been so much fun watching him and his little personality take shape. We had fun chasing a ball, playing with hearts and climbing the stairs. He just cracks me up. He is going to be a lady's man someday with those heartbreaking blue eyes. See you when your 2 little man!

Molly-4 year

Oh Miss Molly! She is just too cute and I love the age of 4. I haven't done any bigger kiddos in a while and it was so quick and easy. She did everything I asked of her. Don't you just love that cute necklace?! Her mom is just too stylish ;) And we couldn't have a shoot without the stink eye in a few. My how you have grown!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Maggie-8 days new

Meet Ms. Maggie! She was an angel baby during her shoot and slept the whole time and let me pose her and wrap her and do just about anything! What a sweet little one she is. And I know Hannah is going to be a great big sister!